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Check out my videos below to help you to relax & de-stress!

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Breathing Techniques
This video by Lynette Fryer demonstrates a number of practical, useful and relaxing breathing techniques.
These can really support you in situations of stress and anxiety and encourage relaxation and calm.
Full Body Mindfulness Relaxation
This video by Lynette Fryer guides you step by step through a relaxation using the technique called mindful body scanning, let go, calm & breathe your troubles away.
Tap Away Your Troubles with EFT
This video by Lynette Fryer demonstrates Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).
EFT can be great for clearing negative and limiting beliefs, managing your emotions and reducing stress and anxiety. It is a great practical self help tool and coping strategy for when times get a little tough.
Guided Meditation
This video by Lynette Fryer offers a lovely guided meditation and visulisation taking you off to a beautiful calm and relaxing beach.
If you would like the full CD with more meditations then please visit the